Rating of programming languages
- 17 March 2021
- Внедрение информационных систем учета и управления
Original author: Editorial DOU.UA
Ukrainian profile resource DOU.UA conducted another annual survey on programming languages, within which 7211 questionnaires were collected (92% of respondents are in Ukraine) Read more
Migrating from BDE/Paradox to Oracle
- 19 February 2021
- Migrating from BDE/Paradox to Oracle
Since the release of Delphi and C++Builder 10.4, we have created more ways for developers to easily migrate and upgrade their existing legacy applications from Borland Delphi and C++Builder to new modernized versions Read more
Database. Global trends in Russia
- 15 January 2021
- Выбор информационных систем учета и управления
This article is not an answer to many questions about databases (DB) and database management systems (DBMS). As an author, I express my own opinion about trends, trying to rely on impartial indicators, statistics, etc Read more
Полезный материал для внедрения и других ERP
- 12 January 2021
- Внедрение информационных систем учета и управления
Коллеги, друзья!
Многие наверняка знают про серию вебинаров 1С:ERP, цель которой - продемонстрировать примеры использования "1С:ERP Управление предприятием" для решения практических задач автоматизации
предприятий различных отраслей, рассмотреть методические аспекты применения программного продукта в рамках проектных кейсов внедрений Read more -
COVID-19 and ecommerce: a global perspective
- 11 September 2020
- Рынок информационных технологий в Молдове и за руб
The shift from physical retail to ecommerce was felt across the world, will that impact last?
COVID-19 has been a global phenomenon, affecting markets, governments, and societies all around the worldThe Chinese case Read more
Logistic in
- 11 August 2020
- Внедрение информационных систем учета и управления
Report-letter on sales of goods out of stocks with an option to sending these reports as letters to email
- 18 June 2020
- Внедрение информационных систем учета и управления
We offer you to see our new feature - "Report-letter on sales of goods out of stocks with an option to sending these reports as letters to email".
The functionality of send letters allows cashiers to sell more goods than exists in market stock Read more -
MESTEC Revolutionizes Manufacturing Performance with Oracle Autonomous Database
Manufacturing is a 24/7 industry where high availability is critical. MESTEC provides intelligent SaaS solutions to optimize the lifecycle from planning to execution for some of the world’s most prestigious manufacturers of submarines, missiles, micro-semiconductors, orthopedic hips, and pastry pies Read more
Автоматизация для оптимизации
- 19 June 2018
- Автоматизация розничной торговли
АВТОМАТИЗАЦИЯ – «СЕРДЦЕ» ВСЕГО ПРОГРАММНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО КОМПЛЕКСА, обеспечивает документооборот, отражающий все основные логистические процессы розничного предприятия
Крупный ритейл в России уже давно оценил все преимущества IT-систем в своей отрасли Read more