CRM system
- Внедрение информационных систем учета и управления
- 9 January 2023
CRM-system (Customer relationship management) is a system for managing customer relationships. Such a system provides quick access to a lot of data about customers and relations with them.
When using CRM-systems, it becomes possible to structure data about calls, e-mails, commercial offers, transactions, promotions for each client separately. All data is stored in one place, it becomes possible to manage business processes with the help of tasks. It becomes much easier for employees with such systems to cooperate with each other, the objectivity of interactions is ensured.
Automating the work of the team that manages sales processes often makes sales more efficient, selling more and faster.
Over time, CRM systems began to play a central role not only in sales, but also in e-commerce and customer service, marketing campaigns.
There are many vendors offering various types of CRM systems. However, it is important to note that the system, in addition to its ease of use, accuracy of registration and data transfer, must be understandable in terms of program code and integrate well with other systems.
It is very likely that the CRM system will not be able to completely replace the registration of data in the main accounting ERP system, which is why, when purchasing, you should pay great attention to the possibilities and ways of integrating a specific CRM system and exchanging data with other programs.
It is often important to obtain reporting from CRM in the main accounting system, or to combine data from both systems for more detailed reports. Even in cases where CRM itself involves the registration of a wider range of data, such as payments and invoices, it is worth thinking about “doubled work”, since this data may already be registered, for example, by the accounting department, it is more expedient to simply receive them in CRM by exchanging data .
Another important aspect, in addition to integration, may be further migration to another, more advanced CRM, you need to pay attention to the technology and methods of storing data in the database so that you can work with it directly, download or upload in batches.
It will be a big minus if CRM is located in the cloud, which does not imply direct access to the database.
At the moment, Unisim-Soft, being a developer of a complex ERP system, does not separate its developments for interactions with customers as a separate solution.
Given the many aspects of development and industry segment, in cases where clients apply for CRM implementation tasks, we recommend installing ESPOCRM as the main CRM system, which, in our opinion seems to meet most of the requirements.
We are ready to provide services for integrating this CRM with our ERP system for accounting and more.
You can get acquainted with the features of the ESPOCRM system at link.