Summer School “Sustainable Industrial Development in the context of European Integration”
- 14 July 2020
Between June 29 and July 3, at Faculty Economic Engineering and Business (FEEB), Technical University of Moldova (TUM), the online summer school “Sustainable industrial development in the context of European integration” was held, organized under the Erasmus+ Program, Jean Monnet Module EU4SID Action.
According to the agenda, the EU4SID team, represented by the project coordinator Cornelia CRUCERESCU and the members of the project team Rafael CILOCI and Veaceslav BARDAN, instigated the students’ interest with topics relevant to the theme of the event.
Interesting discussions were initiated with reference to the presentations of the special guests, representatives of public institutions, NGOs and private enterprises.
Constantin TURCANU, head of the Analysis, Innovation and Training Department, Organization for the Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector, presented the stages of implementing the SME Greening Program in Moldova (approved by the Government Decision no. 592/2019) in order to promote, support and develop the capacity of SMEs to adopt green practices for production and service delivery processes. The implementation of the greening program and the action plan are financed from the state budget of the Republic of Moldova and supported through the EU4Environment Project, financed by the European Union.
The students were excited to find out details about the practice of developing an ecological business, asking questions to the director of the company “Glacial Empire”, Andrei ALBU.
Ghenadie GRUBII, chief specialist of the “Moldsilva” Agency, came up with relevant and interesting information about the role of forests in a country’s ecosystem and European practices on sustainable forest management.
Of particular interest was the information on the achievements and perspectives regarding energy efficiency in the Republic of Moldova, related to European policies, presented by Nicolae MAGDIL, senior consultant at the Energy Policy Department, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure.
Natalia GURANDA, environmental expert of the NGO “EcoContact”, provided multiple details on the rules of the green economy promoted by the EU and aspects of assessing the environmental impact of business.
Pavel TUHARI, director of “Unisim-Soft” SRL, drew the students’ attention to the digitization of business processes and their diversity, specifying the stages of implementing a digitized process.
The summer school took place using the Microsoft Teams platform, with the participation of about 17 students from various faculties of UTM: Faculty Economic Engineering and Business, Faculty Energetics and Electrical Engineering, Faculty Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Transport, Faculty Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, Faculty Engineering and Management in Electronics and Faculty Telecommunications,Technology and Management in Food Industry, Faculty Cadastre, Geodesy and Construction. The EU4SID project is implemented with EU support through the Erasmus+ Program.
More information about EU4SID.
The source is blog of TUM.