Cum alegem un software eficient?
- 12 March 2021
Inainte de a lua o decizie finala cu privire la inceperea utilizarii unei anumite platforme de automatizare, este crucial sa se efectueze o analiza a rentabilitatii. Mai mult ca atat un software nou ar trebui sa reduca costurile si sa maximizeze veniturile afacerii Read more
FIEB - Unisim-Soft: online collaboration
- 9 March 2021
ERP MONOLIT bazat pe tehnologiile ORACLE
- 19 February 2021
ERP Monolit este o solutie scalabila integrata, complexa, care va permite sa gestionati resursele si sa simulati procese reale de afaceri de aproape orice complexitate.
Capacitatile sistemului permite, intr-o singura baza de date, sa efectueze calcule si sa creeze rapoarte pentru diverse entitati juridice ale holdingului sau sucursalelor separate ale companiei Read more -
Oracle Database Family Product Catalog
- 15 January 2021
We present to your attention the Oracle Database Family Product Catalog, which you can download after registration.
Products of the Oracle Database family - the fastest, most reliable, secure and scalable database management system in the world Read more
All-Galactic Oracle Cloud Radio: New Year Integration
- 11 January 2021
The third, special New Year episode of the second season of All-Galactic Oracle Cloud Radio. Ded Moroz, Snow Maiden, and other fairy tales heroes will help you to understand the New Year Integration story (Russian language) Read more
Sa mai si radem
- 29 December 2020
O mica parte din convorbirile amuzante avute cu utilizatorul.
Utilizator: Ce completez in Intrari la cont?
Operator: De exemplu: daca e marfa, 371.. etc.
Utilizator: E MANCARE DE CAINI.Utilizator: Da, da dvs Read more
Oracle Industry Seminar: Retail in a New Reality 11/17/2020
- 26 November 2020
On November 17, Oracle held an online industry seminar "Retail in the New Reality".
The seminar spoke about the current situation in the industry, the consequences of the pandemic, the strategy of retail companies and how to stay competitive now and in the future Read more
Oracle CX Virtual Summit
- 17 November 2020
Posted by Larry Ellison, Oracle Chairman and Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
You can live and work remotely right by the ocean, now our employees have much more time, they are becoming much more efficient and now they will not commute to and from work, I mean, the amount of time wasted in a big city like Los Angeles Read more
Activate two-factor authentication and change your password
- 12 November 2020
Recently, Wix became aware of a web event (not related to Wix) that could lead to the disclosure of login details for some people.
We take data protection very seriously. While we see no indication that this event has affected your Wix account, we recommend that you take all possible steps to ensure
your account security Read more -
Image size analysis of the 5 major social platforms
- 12 November 2020
People prefer to read picture messages over long articles. But how to format the image size correctly? After uploading images to social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., due to the size mismatch, the automatic image compression has become a headache for many people Read more